Full-Stack Web Development + Marketing Expertise

I'm in love with the creative aspect of coding. Getting to take a project from a simple idea all the way to a full-featured application is incredible. I usually work in Node and Mongo for the back end, and React or Vue for the front end.

My Background

My first job after college was in the financial industry, where I began learning about sales and marketing by selling insurance and investment products. 5 years later, I started my own business - an online cooking school for people who eat a gluten free diet.

I bootstrapped the cooking school from the ground up, and had a blast running it. In 2015, after 8 years, I decided I was ready for a new challenge. I began doing freelance marketing work while also focusing on my real passon, learning more about coding.

I've loved programming ever since taking a class on BASIC in 7th grade, and getting to see my ideas come to life in code is amazing.

Free Time

When I'm not coding, I like to play Ultimate Frisbee, run, take photos with my Canon T4, and play video games. (My current favorite game is Hearthstone.)